Thank you, Meredith Mullins!

I would like to extend a very deeply, heart-felt THANK YOU to my friend, Meredith Mullins, for writing the Foreword for my upcoming book of poetry. She is a kindred spirit - a writer, a photographer, an artist. To me, her work it is as an experience. It not only tells a story, but delivers a peculiar sense of movement, as if gently motioning one to look, shift, and perceive a deeper context that might be missed otherwise.

Meredith lives in both Paris, France AND the Monterey Bay area of California. She has an image in the current fundraising auction at the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel, California. Here’s the link. Her image is on Page Two (the images are done alphabetically by the last name of the artist). There’s lots of great work:

Fundraiser for the Center of Photographic Art in Carmel


Please check out Meredith's website, listed below.

Meredith Mullins, Author of the award-winning book, “In a Paris Moment” 

Writer/ Fine Art Photographer for OIC Moments, Bonjour Paris, Paris Magazine, and National Geographic School Publishing 

Paris, France

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