It's that special time of year when we celebrate our compounded Anniversary. Twenty-four years together, eleven years married.

These are photos from our wedding day.


It is my tradition to write a poem to the man I love. Here is this year's:



Today we celebrate 

twenty four years 

comingling our fates, 

eleven of which spent 

being eaches contracted mate. 

And how fine has been our time 

lingering over lavish words, 

lips caressed together 

in "Os" and "Awws" 

in late night... conversations, 

laughing, crying, sighing, eyeing, 

feeding one another fine food 

and libations of ginaveer, 

insinuating sexy slanders 

that blush under the expectant smile 

leading to the prayerful extacies 

of exhausted sleep. 

How can I but worship you? 

Holding truth before us is nothing new 

in our bridal bed - 

known and practiced - 

exposed and valued - 

pulling back sheets and blankets 

in renewed purpose. 

My bouquet of white roses 

may be faded away 

but the love I feel for you 

will last for a single eternity. 

I hope that will be long enough. 

Beverly Van Pelt, Nov 15, 2020

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